The story of Christmas grew and changed

Going from selfless to selfish.

Turned wrong side up,

Forgetting what it is really about.

Why we celebrate in the first place.

What Christmas is really about.

The ultimate gift of God

Giving himself.

The most selfless of acts,

Stepping into the world

Becoming one of us,

Getting to know us

In a intimate way

Because of his love for us,

His desire to rescue us,

To know us and be a part of our lives.


Fully present with us.

So, should we be with those around us.

Not just a gift wrapped up

In colored paper and bows,

But we need to give of ourselves,

Our time and our presence.

To come into their world

And show that they are worth

So much more than what

Sits under the tree.

That they are so loved

Not just by us,

But by the God that stepped down

Took on flesh,

Gave himself up for us

Because he loved us so much

He wanted to save us.

So, that we could be with him


Changing the world,

One heart and one selfless act

At a time,

Being Christmas to each and every


Not just during this time of the year,

But all year long.