We believe families are our first mission field and place a high priority on making sure your kids have an awesome experience on Sunday mornings. Not only will they be safe and secure, Kid Point uses age-appropriate teaching styles to point your kids to Jesus. Your kids will be begging to come back.
We also believe that Sundays are just one part of your child’s faith training, so we partner with parents to help you be the primary faith trainer. Our Family Discipleship Plan guides families through this lifelong process. We come alongside you to equip you with tools like take home worksheets that you can use to discuss the Bible with your kids. We have an annual parent training day guide you through the stage your child is going through.
If you would like to serve with our kids fill out the Family Ministry Application Part 1!
Kid Point happens every week both in person at each campus and online. If you have any questions, contact your local Kid Point Director or email kidpoint@pointchurch.com
To get more info about our upcoming events or to meet with one of our leaders, contact kidpoint@pointchurch.com.