Sundays @ 2pm
4408 Lead Mine Rd, Raleigh, NC 27612
Crabtree Valley Baptist Church
We are a new church-plant and campus that primarily reaches out to Filipinos, including their direct families who are non-Asians and their children as well!
In Wake County, there are more than 24,000 Filipinos. They are predominantly employed in health, technology, education, and business. However, there are only very few Bible-believing, evangelical churches that reach out to them. One Filipino church cannot do it alone. As such, Point Church Filipino was planted to reach out to every Filipino and their families who lived, moved, and worked within the Wake County area, especially in the Triangle.
Point Church Filipino envisions a dynamic church that is God-loving, people-loving, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, Bible-based, and Disciple-making community of faith. We see a biblical church that is Gospel-proclaiming, self-sustaining, multi-generational, culturally-sensitive, church-multiplying, and internationally missional until Jesus returns.
Each week our dynamic local pastors teach the truths of the Bible in a compelling and meaningful way you can apply to your life.
4408 Lead Mine Rd, Raleigh, NC 27612

When do I get there?
It’s always a good idea to arrive 15 minutes early to find a parking spot in the front office parking lot, get some coffee, check your kids into Kid Point, and find a seat.

Where do I park?
Look for Point Church signs as you pull into either parking lot. You're guaranteed to see a parking volunteer who can help if you get lost!

What should I wear?
You’re invited to come as you are, whether it’s a suit or shorts you feel most comfortable wearing. We tend to dress pretty casual.

What do you have for my kids?
Kid Point is a worship experience for kids infant-5th grade. We offer a safe, fun, age appropriate environment for your kids to learn about Jesus. For more information, check out pointchurch.com/kids.

What do you have for my students?
Student Point is our program for Middle and High School students. For more information, check out pointchurch.com/students.