In our experience, Core Groups are very similar to a rocket ship. It’s usually when people join one of our Core Groups that their faith explodes and goes to a whole new level.

Core Groups are meant to be simple, yet powerful.

  • Core Groups are made up of between 2-4 people.
  • They are same gender, not co-ed.
  • There is no curriculum or workbook.
  • Three things are done during the group time:
    1. Accountability questions discussed
    2. Sharing from weekly Bible reading
    3. Prayer for those far from God

Read below for a more detailed explanation of the three elements of Core Groups and testimonials from people who have been in Core Groups themselves!


Few things ever get done in life without some degree of accountability. In pursuit of godliness we need accountability to one another. The first thing the group does is taking turns answering each of the accountability questions. These questions are designed to get to the core of each person’s walk with God. They are designed to give you a place to discuss what’s really going on in a safe and caring environment. These questions will be available on a Core Group card that you can keep in your Bible.


Each group member commits to reading through the books of the Bible. The goal is to get an appetite for God’s Word. God’s Word, like coffee, is an acquired taste. The more you get, the more you enjoy it. Before long, you just can’t get enough! The reading needs to be long enough that it gives God time to speak. A daily devotional of a few verses for the day is usually not enough time for the Spirit to really work on your heart.

When your Core Group comes together the next week, ask each other if they have completed the reading. If any group member has not finished, then the whole group reads the same scripture again the next week. This is not a bad thing; believe that God still has something He wants to show you in that section of the Word.


If we really believe that the eternal destiny of the people we love depends of their knowing Jesus Christ, their salvation should be continually at the top of our prayer list. Each person in the Core Group should identify several people in their lives who are far from God and pray for them by name to meet Christ. List each person’s name, the group member who knows them, and something about the person to help you to pray on the provided card. Pray for them by name at the end of the Core Group time. Also, you can pick a person to pray for each day during your time with God.

Core Group Questions

These questions should spark conversation about what is going on in the core of our walk with Christ. These questions should be asked every week so that each member knows that they will be held accountable and asked if they have any sin to confess. The group should always uphold the values of confidentiality and grace.

“He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”

Proverbs 28:13

  1. Who did you B.L.E.S.S. this week who doesn’t know Jesus? (Begin with Prayer, Listen, Eat, Serve, Share)
  2. How is God teaching or leading you?
  3. How close do you feel this week to God? Is there anything blocking your relationship?
  4. Do you need to confess any sin?
  5. A Personalized accountability question?
  6. Did you complete last weeks reading?

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed.”

James 5:16